__The Good__
I thought this sound board had a great style to it, it had a great variety of phrases. I was happy to see the classics "Woo Hoo!" and "D'oh!" in there. You had a lot of classic phrases on there. I also had a lot of fun with this sound board. I laughed a few times at the quotes. I can't wait to make some serious calls with this.
__The Bad__
What was the point of having Dr. Nick on there? I would have liked to have seen Homer stangling Bart, it would have raised the humor and violent value. You also left out some classic phrase such as homer screaming "AHH!" and "Why You Little..." but the sound board was good without those!
__Over All__
Over all this is a nice sound board! The style of thi game was great and the quality of the audio was great. Also it was really funny! Next time you make a sound board be sure to remember all the classic phrases and put a picture of the guy your making the game about! Good job making this sound board, keep up the good work! Now I'm off to make some great prank call!