Not good.
__The Good__
There wasn't really anything good about this flash. I liked the music, it brought back some memories of my Dragonball Z days. The subtitles were nice and clear as well.
__The Bad__
Sadly there was a lot of bad things in this flash. First of all this isn't really your idea. I vaguely remember seeing that episode were Vegeta transforms and you basically did the exact same thing. Also it was really short and there wasn't any voice acting. The graphics were very poor as well.
A lot of things need improvement. You need to get your own ideas when you make flashes. Noeone wants to see something you copied. You also need to make it longer and definately add some voice acting. Take more time on your graphics next time.
__Over All__
Over all this isn't a good flash. It isn't your idea and it was really short. Next time try a lot harder. Good luck on your next flash!